Q & A with Maggie Riggs

It has been a long while since we've sat down with our team members to learn more about their backgrounds and interests. We are restarting this meet-the-team series for 2025 with Maggie Riggs, our undergraduate researcher turned Junior Specialist!

Please introduce yourself: who are you, where are you from, and what is your educational/professional background?

Q & A with Ismael Mayanja

We continue this month's member spotlights by sitting down with Ismael Mayanja, one of our Graduate students.

Please introduce yourself: who are you, where are you from, and what is your educational/professional background?

Q & A with Ioannis Droutsas

Back in February, we shared Q&As with two of our team members, Amogh Joshi and Alex Olenskyj. Today we're talking with Ioannis Droutsas, one of our postdoctoral researchers working with the modeling side of GEMINI.

Please introduce yourself: who are you, where are you from, and what is your educational/professional background?

Q & A with Alex Olenskyj

We continue our GEMINI member spotlight series with Postdoctoral Researcher, Alex Olenskyj.

Please introduce yourself: who are you, where are you from, and what is your educational/professional background?

Q & A with Amogh Joshi

In our last newsletter, we briefly introduced our project and its members. Today, we would like to highlight two of our team members and learn more about their experience. We start with Amogh Joshi, a student researcher working with Dr. Mason Earles.

Please introduce yourself: who are you, where are you from, and what is your educational/professional background?